For my hari merdeka.
As im getting old, banyak benda yang terpaksa dihadap hari-hari..
One of my friend dah sibuk-sibuk buat status dekat facebook "beberapa hari lagi bakal meninggalkan ukm"
One of my friend, actually two, dah sibuk-sibuk menghilangkan diri.Please dear, jangan la pakai jubah Harry Potter tu.
One of my friend, dah sibuk-sibuk buat preparation nak continue her/his study.
One of my friend, dah sibuk-sibuk ulang-alik fotostat nota.
One of my friend, eh..all of my friend dah sibuk-sibuk siapkan writing tesis.
And me?busy mengupdate blog kan?
Jujurnya, being a student is wonderful
Jadi manusia yang berguna is great kan?
adik comeyyyyyyyy
ReplyDeleteseb baik ptg ni nk blk..leh jumpe adik...hoyeahhh
ReplyDeletekirim cium aku keadik 2..
die msti rindu giler kat ak